Good Beer Hunting

CL-002 Spain, Arizona Wilderness, White Labs, Mountain Goat, and conspiracy theories

CL-002 Spain, Arizona Wilderness, White Labs, Mountain Goat, and conspiracy theories

Welcome to the Good Beer Hunting Collective podcast, the show where members of our team interview each other to get the behind the scenes look at some of our favorite articles. I’m Michael Kiser, and I’m the founder and director of Good Beer Hunting.

This new series of episodes is made possible by our Patreon subscribers. Patreon is a way that our readers and listeners can subscribe to GBH with a monthly contribution, just like subscribing to a magazine. We give back to our subscribers—who we call the Fervent Few—through events, discounts, exclusive gear and art, and a host of other perks. Because to us, being a Fervent Few member makes you part of the team. So to all those who signed up already, thanks so much—you’re already enjoying the fruits of that subscription.

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This week we’ve got our new Australian writer, Luke Robertson who lives in Melbourne. He’ll be sharing his experience of documenting a story about Mountain Goat Beer, and talking about some of his upcoming work for GBH.

We’ll also check in with Oliver Gray, one of our newest recruits who recently published a great interview with Chris White from White Labs.

And finally, Cory Smith, our storyteller out of Brooklyn, will talk about his recent travels through Spain and the Southwestern USA—where he connected with the guys from Arizona Wilderness.

An incredibly diverse range of topics from some great storytellers.